
How to Overcome Constant Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Behavioral Outbursts in Children

Portrait of Dr. Matt Morris of Pinnacle Chiropractic Pediatric and Prenatal Chiropractor in Lakewood Ranch, FL.
Dr. Matt Morris
August 29, 2024
Noah's success story with nervous system based chiropractic care gives hope to other struggling families.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your child's constant meltdowns, tantrums, and emotional outbursts? Do you find yourself walking on eggshells, unsure of what might set off the next storm? If you're nodding along, take a moment to breathe – you're not navigating this journey alone. According to Johns Hopkins, one in five children struggles with mental, emotional, or behavioral challenges. This statistic is staggering, and it doesn’t even account for the countless families facing these struggles without a formal diagnosis.

These challenges can weigh heavily on your heart. You’ve likely tried everything – from reward charts to time-outs, from devouring parenting books to countless Google searches. Perhaps you've even consulted with multiple professionals, searching for a solution that truly resonates. But what if we told you that these challenging behaviors might be rooted in an imbalance in your child's nervous system? And what if there was a way to address these issues holistically, without relying on medication?

Let’s explore an approach that could be the key to unlocking your child’s potential: Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care.

A Story of Hope: Noah's Journey

To show the potential of this approach, here is a story about Noah, a patient who came to us here at Pinnacle Chiropractic. Noah’s parents describe him as a kid who really struggled with anger and emotional regulation. When triggered, his anger would escalate quickly. He would yell, scream, destroy his room, and at times even hit or kick family members.

Noah's family tried everything. They had numerous conversations with their pediatrician, tried therapy, and even tried medications in the hope that something would help Noah. But nothing changed. A move here to Florida seemed to make things even worse. Noah’s parents were stressed.

Noah's family knew they needed a completely different approach. They decided to try Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care here at Pinnacle. Noah’s Insight scans showed a stressed out nervous system. Noah started his Care Plan and with consistency and time, Noah's nervous system began to regulate. The results were nothing short of remarkable.

Noah will tell you today that he believes that chiropractic care is what helped him, and what continues to help him. He loves coming each week to receive his adjustments. He feels they help him feel his best.

Noah’s parents are so grateful for that phone call to Pinnacle many years ago. Today, they describe Noah as a happy and healthy 15 year old who no longer struggles. He’s gifted at so many things and thriving!

Understanding the Root Cause: Beyond Behavior Modification

Noah's story is not unique. Many children struggle with similar issues, and parents often find themselves trapped in a cycle of traditional behavior modification approaches that produce limited results. So why does Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care work when other methods often fall short?

Traditional approaches typically focus on managing symptoms or altering behavior through rewards and punishments. Behavior specialists often speak about learned behaviors or skill deficits, working hard to alter the external environment to support the child and teach them new skills. But what happens when the environment is already full of modifications, and all sorts of parenting strategies and professional help fail to get results?

This is where our approach differs. Instead of focusing solely on external behaviors, we look deeper to find the root cause of why a child is reacting this way. Often, it comes down to two crucial factors: sensory overload and nervous system dysregulation.

The Science Behind the Struggle

To understand this better, let's dive into the science:

  1. Sensory Overload: Sensory overload is when your child’s brain is overwhelmed by excessive sensory stimuli, leading to a state of constant "noise" and confusion. This disrupts the normal regulation of the nervous system, particularly affecting the balance between the sympathetic ("fight or flight") and parasympathetic ("rest and digest") responses.
  2. Nervous System Dysregulation: When the nervous system is constantly bombarded with sensory input it can't process effectively, it becomes dysregulated. Your child's brain struggles to cope with the sensory chaos, leading to increased anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and those dreaded emotional meltdowns.
  3. The Role of Subluxation: Here's where chiropractic care comes in. Subluxation is a misalignment or dysfunction in the spine that can interfere with the nervous system's ability to process sensory information effectively. By addressing these subluxations, we can help clear the path for better nervous system function.
  4. The Vicious Cycle: Sensory overload leads to nervous system dysregulation, which is often exacerbated by subluxation. 

Breaking the Cycle: How Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care Helps

By addressing these root causes through Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care, we aim to restore nervous system balance. This approach can:

  1. Reduce sensory overload by improving the brain's ability to process and integrate sensory information.
  2. Improve nervous system regulation, helping your child transition more smoothly between "fight or flight" and "rest and digest" states.
  3. Address subluxation to enhance overall nervous system function.
  4. Alleviate associated behavioral issues by creating a more balanced internal environment.

The outcome? A happier, healthier child with fewer meltdowns, better emotional regulation, and a calmer, more harmonious home for your entire family.

There’s real hope. Your child’s challenging behaviors are not a reflection of your parenting skills. They’re not something your child is doing intentionally or will simply “grow out of.” More often, these behaviors are signals that your child’s nervous system needs support. Just like in Noah’s story, your family’s story can take a positive turn with the right approach and care.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from trying every behavioral strategy with little success, it might be time to explore Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care. By focusing on balancing the nervous system, we can lay the groundwork for better behavior, improved emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

Let’s embark on this journey together to restore balance to your child’s nervous system. It may not always be easy, but with patience, consistency, and the right support, remarkable changes are within reach. If you’re not local to Pinnacle Chiropractic, please visit the PX Docs directory to find an office near you.

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Patient Stories: Discover Reviews by Satisfied Chiropractic Patients

Hear what our patients have to say about their experience at Pinnacle.

I’ve now become a patient of theirs too, and I hope to start my other two children there as well
My 10 month old has been delayed on her gross motor skills. At her 6 month checkup, her pediatrician recommended she get evaluated for PT. In her case, I felt like she needed more that just PT to get caught up. I’ve heard so many people speak highly of chiropractic care for kids, I thought we’d give it a try. I can’t remember how I came across Pinnacle (might have been on Instagram because they have a lot of helpful posts). But anyway, I called and setup the first couple appointments for intake and scans. The entire staff is super friendly. Dr. Matt listened very well to what was going on with my daughter and we came up with 3 goals for her to hopefully meet with 9 weeks of adjustments (2x/week). The afternoon after her 2nd adjustment, she literally reached 2 of her goals. I almost couldn’t believe it. I realize it could have just been a coincidence but it’s just too close to happening right after the adjustments for me to assume that. She’s had about 10 adjustments total now, and she is catching up on other gross motor skills. Because she is a baby, her adjustments are quite gentle. There’s no cracking or popping involved. I’ve now become a patient of theirs too, and I hope to start my other two children there as well!
Finally, we decided to try a chiropractor. After a couple treatments she is a completely different baby!
Highly recommend!! Our 8 week old was dealing with reflux and digestive issues and she had episodes of screaming and crying every evening and we would battle for hours to try and get her down for the night. Everyone including her pediatrician just said she will grow out of it, but finally we decided to try a chiropractor. After a couple treatments she is a completely different baby! She is so happy and no more screaming and crying episodes 🙌🏻 Also the staff is absolutely incredible!! They are amazing at explaining everything to you and happy to answer any questions you might have.
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